Delinquent / Defective Campaign Finance Reports

The Porter County Board of Elections & Registration has adopted the following processes to address delinquent and/or defective campaign finance report filings:

Process To Address Delinquent Campaign Finance Reports

Step One: Prior to the due date, the Porter Board of Elections & Registration will review upcoming due dates for reports to be filed and authorize the Board attorney to provide notice to each delinquent committee to immediately comply after the Elections & Registration Office compiles the list of delinquent reports.

Step Two: Within seven (7) days of the due date for reports, Elections & Registration Office compiles a list of delinquent filers. List is posted outside the Porter County Elections & Registration offices and a copy is sent to each member of the Board of Elections & Registration, party chairmen, and board attorney.

Step Three: At the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Elections & Registration, the Board will confirm compliance.

Step Four: If any committee still refuses to voluntarily comply and immediately file a report after notice has been received, the Board of Elections & Registration can pass a motion in a public meeting to begin the process set forth in the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). APA requires notices, subpoenas, hearing and adoption of findings of fact.

Step Five: The Board of Elections & Registration must impose monetary fines after complying with the APA, convening an evidentiary hearing, adopting findings of fact and approving imposition of fine. Only if there is unanimous agreement can the fine be reduced or waived if penalty would be "unjust under the circumstances".

Process To Address Defective Campaign Finance Reports

Step One: Prior to the due date, the Board of Elections & Registration passes a motion in a public meeting authorizing the Board attorney to send notice to each defective committee demanding that they file a corrected report by a specific date.

Step Two: Within forty-five (45) days after the due date for report filing, the Elections & Registration Office compiles a list of defective filers. The list will be sent to each member of the Board of Elections & Registration, party chairman and Board attorney.

Step Three: The Elections & Registration Office gives notice to a committee filing a defective report to correct the report by five days after receiving the notice. The Elections & Registration Office shall make available for public inspection a list of person who fail to correct a defective filing.

Step Four: At the next regularly schedule meeting of the Board of Elections & Registration, the Board will receive an updated list of defective filings to review and discuss. The Board of Elections & Registration confirms compliance.

Step Five: If any committee still refuses to voluntary comply and file a corrected report, the Board of Elections & Registration can pass a motion in a public meeting to begin the process set forth in the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). APA requires notice, subpoenas, hearing and adoption of findings in fact.

Step Six: The Board of Elections & Registration can impose monetary fines after complying with the APA, convening evidentiary hearing, adopting findings of fact and approving imposition of fine.