Candidate Campaign Finance Report Forms

Below are listed the most common campaign finance report forms used by candidates.

2024 Indiana Election Division Campaign Finance Manual (PDF)

This campaign finance manual has been revised to bring you the most recent changes in election law and to provide “nuts and bolts” guidance on how to comply with the campaign finance disclosure and filing requirements set forth in Indiana Code 3-9. If you are a candidate or the treasurer of a campaign finance committee (e.g., PAC, regular party committee, legislative caucus committee, or candidate committee), this manual should help you find your way through the myriad of election laws.

Candidate’s Statement of Organization: CFA-1 (PDF)

Every candidate for nomination or election to an office, for which the compensation is at least $5,000 per year, must have a principal campaign finance committee. Also, a candidate for a local office for which the compensation for that office is less than $5,000 per calendar year who receives more than $500 in contributions or makes more than $500 in expenditures as a candidate for the local office, must have a principal committee. The Candidate’s Statement of Organization is used to legally establish a principal campaign finance committee.

Report of Receipts and Expenditures of a Political Committee: CFA-4 (PDF)

This report is used to file a candidate’s pre-primary, pre-election and annual campaign finance reports, as well as amend any previously filed campaign finance reports. It also can be used to disband an existing campaign finance committee.

Supplemental Large Contribution Report by a Candidate’s Committee: CFA-11 (PDF)

This form, often called the “48-hour” report, is to be used by the treasurer of a candidate’s committee to report aggregates of “large contributions” received after the end of a pre-primary or pre-election reporting period. This form consists of a single sheet to report “large contributions” of at least $1,000 or more received by a candidate, candidate’s committee, or the treasurer of a candidate’s committee in either a lump sum or in the aggregate:

  • not more than twenty-five (25) days before a convention, primary, or general election; and
  • ending 48-hours before a convention or a primary, municipal, special, or general election. (IC 3-9-5-20.1)

In other words, a candidate’s committee must receive contributions totaling $1,000 or more (whether lump sum or aggregate) during supplemental filing period only. NOTE: the CFA-11 report only applies to candidate committees. Political action committees and regular party committees need not file the CFA11 report.

This form must be filed [“filing” is defined in IC 3-5-2-24.5] within 48-hours after a candidate or candidate’s committee receives a “large contribution.” The candidate does not have to file a CFA-11 form if the candidate did not receive any “large contributions” during these reporting periods.